Business Strategy examines business models in relation to changing economic and market conditions.
Research and study at the Tepper School includes corporate strategy, organizational decision-making, modeling for new technologies, and sector-specific innovation and management.
Strategy in the Classroom
Corporate Strategy Course
Strategic Corporate Management Course
Strategy Faculty in the News

Big Firms Are Popping Up To Buy Third-Party Amazon Sellers. Here Are the Biggest Players in This Fast-Growing Trend, featuring Tim Derdenger, Associate Professor of Marketing and Strategy.
What Boeing Has Taught Us About Not Neglecting Company Culture, featuring Brandy Aven, Associate Professor of Organizational Theory, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship.

Why People Vote for Politicians They Know Are Liars, featuring Oliver Hahl, Assistant Professor of Organizational Theory and Strategy.

Apple Is Suffocating Mobile-Payment Rivals, featuring Tim Derdenger, Associate Professor of Marketing and Strategy.
Recent Faculty Publications
- “Winning by Default: Why Is There so Little Competition in Government Procurement?" Miller, R., Kang, K. (2020)
- "Committed Diversification: Why Authenticity Insulates Against Penalties for Diversification" Hahl, O., Ha J. (2019) in INFORMS
- "Disentangling the Microfoundations of Acquisition Behavior and Performance" Meyer-Doyle, P., Lee. S., and Helfat, C.E. (2019) in Strategic Management Journal
- "Jack of All, Master of Some: Information Network and Innovation in Crowdsourcing Communities" Vir Singh, P., Argote, L., and Hwang E.H. (2019) in INFORMS
- "Structural Role Complementarity in Entrepreneurial Teams" Aven, B. and Hillmann, H. (2017) in INFORMS